What is Defido Coin $BASE?
What is Defido Coin $BASE?
Defido Coin $BASE is an experiment in multi-chain, cross chain crypto currencies, a community garden to defend against taxes & useless utilities.
launched on 6 chains, bridgeable across chain from day 1 with 0 taxes or team tokens. Defido Coin $BASE should be the easiest meme coin to buy & move from chain to chain.
Who is Defido?

Who should buy Defido Coin $BASE?
Definitely wanting mums across the world & the local grocery store to own $BASE.
Contract Address?
Same on 6 chains: 0x0422b63182798ae9876cae3caBd225d96B284D14
What was the starting market cap?
6 chains, $6000USD, $1000USDC per chain
What chains?
Ethereum Avalanche C Chain, Fantom, Polygon, BNB Smart Chain, Cronos. This is about 90% of TVL within the EVM ecosystem.
More chains?
Total max supply would be 10 Trillion on 10 chains. But right now, 6 chains is enough & Defido Coin might stay this way forever!
What is the starting supply?
Each chain had 1 trillion, total supply at start was 6 trillion
Was liquidity locked?
90% of each token was put into a swap liquidity LP & then locked forever
Contract renounced?
Yes, bridgeable from day 1 using crosschainbridge.org 10% of total supply on each chain is burned for bridging.
No, we gave away the keys instead.
2013 crypto currency. Spend $BASE, play the $BASE, gift the $BASE. It’s a crypto currency.
Everything. ❤
Yes please. Spicy memes indeed.
When marketing?
Community funded.
0, nada, none.
Why should I join the $BASE race gang?
We need you dear HDOLer, to join us in combatting the utility issue in meme coins. We maintain that the best crypto currencies are silly, just for fun, and you like fun right?
What market cap do you want?
Small island valuation, let’s say 1 trillion or near would be acceptable.
@defido on twitter
@defido on instagram
defido.com on Web2
@defido on Coinbase Wallet ;)